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Case-based Learning

Key Articles/Reference


Aamodt, A., & Plaza, E. (1994). Case-based reasoning: Foundational issues, methodological variations, and system approaches. Artificial Intelligence Communications, 7(1), 39-59.


Hernandez-Serrano, J., & Jonassen, D.H.(2003). The effects of case libraries on problem solving. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19, 103-114.


Jonassen, D. H., & Hernandez-Serrano, J. (2002). Case-based reasoning and instructional design: Using stories to support problem solving. Educational Technology Research and Development, 50(2), 65-77.


Kolodner, J. L. (1992). An introduction to case-based reasoning. Artificial Intelligence Review, 6(1), 3-34. doi:10.1007/BF00155578


Kolodner, J. L. (1997). Educational implications of Analogy — a view from case based reasoning. American Psychologist, 52(1), 57-66.


Slade, S. (1991). Case-based reasoning: A research paradigm. AI Magazine, 12(1), 42-55.


Tawfik, A., & Jonassen, D.H. (2013). The effects of successful versus failed cases on argumentation while solving decision-making problems. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(3), 385-406. doi:10.1007/s11423-013-9294-511423-013-9294-5

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